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Sodium Vanadate (Sodium Vanadium Oxide) (NaVO3)-Chunk

Product Description



Sodium metavanadate is the inorganic compound with the formula NaVO3. It is a yellow, water-soluble solid. Its natural forms include mineral metamunirite (anhydrous) and a dihydrate, munirite.

Chemical formula:NaVO3

Molar mass:121.9295 g/mol

Appearance:yellow crystalline solid


Melting point:630 °C (1,166 °F; 903 K)

Solubility in water:19.3 g/100 mL (20 °C);40.8 g/100 mL (80 °C)




Sodium metavanadate is used as an analytical reagent and mordant. It is also found to be useful in the photography industry and the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to this, it is used in the making of vanadium alloy and vanadium catalyst.

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