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Zirconium Vanadium Iron (FeVZr)-Powder

Product Description


An intermediate alloy consisting of iron and one or more elements, the main elements of which generally have a higher melting point and are used mainly in steel smelting.In the iron and steel industry, all intermediate alloys used in steelmaking, whether or not they contain iron (such as silicon-calcium alloys), are generally referred to as "ferroalloys".It is customary to include some pure metal additives and oxide additives.


As a deoxidizer for steelmaking.

Product Inquire

Iron Vanadium Alloy (FeV)-Sputtering Target

Cobalt Gadolinium Alloy (CoGd)-Sputtering Target

Cobalt Samarium Alloy (CoSm)-Pellets

Cobalt Palladium Alloy (CoPd)-Sputtering Target