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Potassium Iodide (KI)-Beads

Product Description



Potassium iodide (KI), commonly known as Potassium iodine.An inorganic compound used in the preparation of organic iodide and as a chemical reagent.


Molar mass:166.0028g/mol

Melting point:681 °C (1,258 °F)

Boiling point:1,330 °C (2,430 °F)

Solubility in water:1280 mg/mL (0 °C (32 °F));1400 mg/mL (20 °C (68 °F));1760 mg/mL (60 °C (140 °F));2060 mg/mL (100 °C (212 °F))




Potassium iodide is a simple iodide salt utilized as a fluorescence quenching agent. It is used in photography and as an analytical reagent, It is used in treating overactive thyroid and protecting the thyroid gland from the effects of radiation from inhaled or swallowed radioactive iodine. It is used as a nutrition supplement to prevent goitre and other iodine deficiency in human body.

Product Inquire

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